Choosing a Thermometer

Published on January 11, 2022

There's something calming, something deeply relaxing about having a fever thermometer you can count on for your newborn. But how do you select this thermometer? What factors do you consider and why? In this article, we're going to explore the biggest factors you need to consider when choosing a Fever thermometer for your newborn and ultimately help you decide which fever thermometer to go for.

Convenience: It doesn't matter if you're a working mother or a stay at home mom. You need the same level of flexibility so you can go about your duties with peace of mind. Let's admit it, you may not always be there to take your baby's temperature as often as you feel is right. Conventional digital fever temperature thermometers are accurate, but they don't give you that flexibility you need.

Precision: The last thing you want is a Fever temperature thermometer that gives you a false sense of security when you should run to the phone and call the doctor right away. Even worse, a fever temperature that alarms you when you should be getting all the sleep you can get. You need something accurate, something distinctly precise so you can know your baby's exact temperature and know when to act.

What fever thermometer meets these criteria?

The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor provides all the flexibility you need to monitor your infant's temperature at all time. The Welltot Temperature Monitor patch is a 21st century thermometer for the 21st century mom. To use it, all you need to do is wear the patch on your baby's chest. You can use an adhesive or a chest strap. After you have secured the fever monitor patch on your baby, you can place an phone or tablet near the baby. From the comfort of your mobile phone, you can receive the readings and know exactly what your baby's temperature is.

Even your baby knows more comfort as you don't have to wake it again for the umpteenth time to take its temperature. The precise readings delivered by Welltot fever monitor patches allow you to know just when to reach out to the doctor and when to pat your baby to sleep.

You can do it every other way, but when you're gunning for that convenience and precision that puts every mother at ease, then you'll choose Welltot.


Get your Welltot monitor

  • 50+ temperature readings per hour
  • Disposable patch
  • No maintenance & no re-charging
  • Easy to use - mobile phone connected

The Best Baby Thermometer to Buy in 2022

Fever without Fear: Information for Mothers

Taking Your Child's Temperature