
A Welltot Magazine

The Best Baby Thermometer to Buy in 2022

Are you expecting a baby in 2022? Maybe your best friend or sister is! Are you a mom who has had it with the current thermometer you are using because it’s too difficult to use? Read on to learn about the best baby thermometer for buy in 2022!   The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor When you utilize a thermometer patch, you are given a hands free option for taking and tracking your child’s temperature. It all starts when your baby is healthy! Simply pop on the patch on their chest or under arm. Sit back and relax! The next five days, the patch will work hard to note your baby’s normal skin temperature (and times of day it fluctuates), and will establish a baseline, healthy, normal number for your knowledge.   All of this awesome info can be relayed to the Welltot app. The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor is one of the most popular patches to use and is very parent and baby friendly. Check it once or twice a day, to see if you notice any discrepancies with your baby’s norms. This is especially helpful since your little one can’t communicate how they are feeling! The patch will do all the talking for them.   Will the patch disrupt my baby’s sleep cycle? Not at all! In fact, the whole point of wearing a thermometer patch is to not have to wake your baby as they sleep to check their temperature! All of the info gets sent right to your phone, which you can check from the comfort of your own bed.   Are thermometer patches costly? The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor is affordable and lasts up to six months! There is no battery to recharge or maintain.   How do patches help my pediatrician? Let’s face it-doctors love data. If you can present your pediatrician with the norms, it will be very easy for them to make decisions for your child when their stats are starting to stray.   In conclusion, the Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor is much more convenient than the more traditional thermometers. Making life easier for everyone, it’s easy to see why it’s the best baby thermometer for buy in 2022!        

How to Always Know Your Newborn’s Temperature

If someone told you that you didn't have to to take your newborn’s temperature via ear, forehead, armpit, or rectum, would you believe them? Thanks to modern technology, it’s true! If you are tired of poking, prodding, and pleading with your baby to cooperate (especially when they are in pain or burning up), you’ll be happy to know a hands-free, stress free alternative is available. Read on to learn how you can always know your newborn’s temperature without doing virtually anything at all!   Step One Apply a thermometer patch. Safe, gentle, easy to apply, and waterproof, there are many options on the market. A parent favorite, Welltot, allows for all information collected on your newborn to go straight into an app, which you can access from a phone, anytime, anyplace! Forget stressing about your baby’s temperature when you’re at work-the guesswork is gone! No more relying on childcare facilities, sitters, or family members having to be burdened with taking your tiny one’s temp. The patch starts working as soon as it’s placed on your child.   Step Two Give the patch about five days to work its magic. It will tell you your infant’s skin temperature throughout the day.  These “normal” stats will help you understand a baseline when they are healthy, so that when the numbers start to elevate, you can get help immediately! No more surprise phone calls at work, making you leave on the fly, or emergency stops during your night-you can easily see when an infection is on the horizon or be able to tell if a virus may wreak havoc on your household. In the day and age of Covid and all of its variants, who wouldn’t want this for their family?   Step Three Don’t lose sleep again because you're worried about your  baby’s high temperature! When your little one starts to fuss, teeth, or just seem "off," use the Welltot monitor to see if they are running a bit hot.   In conclusion, knowing your baby’s normal numbers are essential. This preventative patch will help everyone in your family stay healthy, happy, and will allow for early intervention always!

When Should You See a Doctor For a High Temperature?

There’s nothing scarier than the moment when you realize your child has a fever for the first time. Even if you’re a seasoned pro at parenting, truth be told, fevers are still unnerving! No one likes to see their little one in paint and discomfort! When it comes to measuring your child’s fever temperature, here are five things you may want to consider before seeing a doctor. Fever is Your Child’s Way of Fighting Off Infection Naturally Before you run to the phone to call your pediatrician because your child feels warm, think about this-the fever is turning on your child’s immune system. It’s working double time to fight infection. Normal fevers are considered anywhere from 100-102 degrees. While it’s always wise to be cautious if the fever is above 101 degrees, many doctors will suggest trying some fever-reducing meds if their temperature is in the “normal” fever range, before rushing your little one in to be seen. Oftentimes, it will resolve on its own, after a day or two. However, there is nothing wrong with going with your gut and erring on the side of caution if your child’s temperature is overly elevated. Fever Can Coincide with Other Side Effects You may want to make a call to the doctor if you notice some strange side effects that accompany your child’s fever. Do they have any rashes? Are they having difficulty breathing? Do they have a terrible headache? Are they not taking in enough fluids? Maybe your child’s fever won't resolve itself after 3 days. Any one of these factors is reason enough to call your child’s provider! Establish a Baseline Temperature Many parents who measure their child’s temperature regularly put in calls to pediatricians when they notice their baseline temps are rising. Early intervention may signal a virus or other infection that can be tended to before symptoms get worse-especially during the age of Covid! It’s easy to track your child’s temperature. Products, like Affirm XH constantly monitor resting heart rate, skin temperature, and heart rate variability. Pop the patch onto your kiddo and get all kinds of cool stats and norms using an app for your phone. Good for six months and ultra-affordable, you can avoid worry and disrupted sleep-simply get your child checked out before things get bad! You can bring your data to your appointment and get to the root cause of a higher than normal base temp!   Is Your Thermometer Reliable? Some thermometers are better than others. It is possible to get a false reading. If the tip of the thermometer isn’t positioned just so in an 'under the tongue' thermometer, it can throw off results in young children that have difficulty holding it in place for a minute. If your child feels way warmer than the thermometer is reading, or if they are acting overly sluggish and lethargic, you have nothing to gain by waiting it out. Inaccurate readings are scary, can happen, and can lead to serious health impairments if you wait too long to get help. Consider Your Child’s Age If your baby has a fever and is only a few months old, don’t delay-make that call. Experts at the Cleveland Clinic note that a fever of over 100.4 f degrees is cause for concern in a newborn, and their immune systems are as developed as older children. Age does matter and an infant fever should be a huge factor as if you should call the doctor! In conclusion, parents have a sixth sense of sorts as to when they should call their child’s pediatrician. The tips to consider above can help  you make an informed decision, but it’s never a bad thing to set up an appointment if it will make both you and your child feel better and have peace of mind!

The Easy way to be a Better Mom

Being a good mom is tough work. You have to think about what your baby will eat,  when they would eat, and most importantly, how to keep them in perfect health. When if come to taking temperatures, it's always one of three things. You don't know how to go about checking your kid's temperature, you know how to but you're not checking it often enough, and you're having to check so much that it's disturbing your sleep and that of your kid's. Whichever category you belong, young mother, we've got great news for you. There's an easy way to do it better. In this article, we will explore the methods and tested - and trusted - techniques to getting it done.  Doing it Better Better means four important things: More sleep Save time Parenting help without stress Welltot Fever Temperature Thermometer Patch Sleep more Imagine being able to monitor your baby's temperature from the comfort of your phone and in your bed. Anytime you feel worried about your baby's temperature, you just check your phone, know its temperature and go back to sleep. How comfortable! Guess what? The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor allows you to do just that. With all that stress you face during the day, you could really use longer hours in bed. Once worn by your baby, you won't really have any reason to rise from bed unless their temperature rises above the normal range. Save Time The Welltot patch is very easy to use and lasts for 6 months. But that's not the best part. Once you get this thermometer, it never needs to be charged, so you won't be stuck with an uncharged thermometer when you are concerned about your child. More Trusted Eyes on your baby You can monitor your baby's temperature on the Welltot patch through your phone. Good, yes?  But not yours alone. Multiple phones can be logged onto the same account so, your sister can help you monitor your baby's temperature whenever she comes around. In case you miss out on something regarding your child's temperature, she, or whoever is around can quickly call your attention to it.  

The Best Thermometer for Kids

Fevers themselves might cause no harm to your newborn, but they're usually early alerts that something else may be wrong with your kid. What could that be? A virus? An infection? The quickest way to find out is to have a very good fever thermometer that quickly indicates your child's fever and alerts you early enough so you can reach out to the doctor as soon as possible. But how do you select this thermometer? In this article, we will discover the best fever temperature thermometer for your kids. Types of Fever Thermometers you can choose from There are quite a few types of Fever temperature thermometers you can choose from. This includes: Temporal artery thermometers — Temporal Artery thermometers measure heat waves on each side of your baby's forehead. Your infants have to be around 3 months plus to use them. Electronic ear (tympanic) thermometers — Electronic Ear thermometers measure heat waves from the eardrum. They can be used on infants from 6 months upwards. Digital thermometers: Digital Thermometers provide precise and accurate readings of your newborn's temperature. They come in all shapes and sizes and are usually tagged the doctor's favorite. You can get them when next you visit the supermarket or drugstore. There are three ways you can use your digital thermometer to take your kid's temperature. rectal— you stick rectal thermometers in your baby's bottom. oral— oral digital thermometers are stuck in the mouth of your kid. Axillary— axillary digital thermometers are stuck under the armpit of your kid. They are the least accurate type of digital thermometers.  Downsides to Rectal, Oral, and Axillary Digital Thermometers These digital fever thermometers are some of the best out there. However,  there are certain downsides to their usage. For each of these, you will most likely disturb your child's sleep. Besides, it's no so convenient when you need to check your child's temperature at 3:00am. Your Best Option Imagine there was a fever thermometer that helped you monitor your kid's temperature throughout the day, and night without you having to be with your child while they sleep. The Welltot continuous thermometer is a digital thermometer patch that allow you to do just that. The patch can be attached to your infant's body while they sleep and monitored from the comfort of your room. They're very simple to attach and once they're there, you'd be in the loop of your kid's temperature through the day. Way to go super mom!