The Best Thermometer for Kids

Published on January 11, 2022

Fevers themselves might cause no harm to your newborn, but they're usually early alerts that something else may be wrong with your kid. What could that be? A virus? An infection? The quickest way to find out is to have a very good fever thermometer that quickly indicates your child's fever and alerts you early enough so you can reach out to the doctor as soon as possible. But how do you select this thermometer?

In this article, we will discover the best fever temperature thermometer for your kids.

Types of Fever Thermometers you can choose from

There are quite a few types of Fever temperature thermometers you can choose from. This includes:

  1. Temporal artery thermometers — Temporal Artery thermometers measure heat waves on each side of your baby's forehead. Your infants have to be around 3 months plus to use them.
  2. Electronic ear (tympanic) thermometers — Electronic Ear thermometers measure heat waves from the eardrum. They can be used on infants from 6 months upwards.
  3. Digital thermometers: Digital Thermometers provide precise and accurate readings of your newborn's temperature. They come in all shapes and sizes and are usually tagged the doctor's favorite. You can get them when next you visit the supermarket or drugstore.

There are three ways you can use your digital thermometer to take your kid's temperature.

  • rectal— you stick rectal thermometers in your baby's bottom.
  • oral— oral digital thermometers are stuck in the mouth of your kid.
  • Axillary— axillary digital thermometers are stuck under the armpit of your kid. They are the least accurate type of digital thermometers. 

Downsides to Rectal, Oral, and Axillary Digital Thermometers

These digital fever thermometers are some of the best out there. However,  there are certain downsides to their usage. For each of these, you will most likely disturb your child's sleep. Besides, it's no so convenient when you need to check your child's temperature at 3:00am.

Your Best Option

Imagine there was a fever thermometer that helped you monitor your kid's temperature throughout the day, and night without you having to be with your child while they sleep. The Welltot continuous thermometer is a digital thermometer patch that allow you to do just that. The patch can be attached to your infant's body while they sleep and monitored from the comfort of your room. They're very simple to attach and once they're there, you'd be in the loop of your kid's temperature through the day. Way to go super mom!


Get your Welltot monitor

  • 50+ temperature readings per hour
  • Disposable patch
  • No maintenance & no re-charging
  • Easy to use - mobile phone connected

The Best Baby Thermometer to Buy in 2022

Fever without Fear: Information for Mothers

Choosing a Thermometer