The Easy way to be a Better Mom

Published on January 11, 2022

Being a good mom is tough work. You have to think about what your baby will eat,  when they would eat, and most importantly, how to keep them in perfect health.

When if come to taking temperatures, it's always one of three things. You don't know how to go about checking your kid's temperature, you know how to but you're not checking it often enough, and you're having to check so much that it's disturbing your sleep and that of your kid's.

Whichever category you belong, young mother, we've got great news for you. There's an easy way to do it better.

In this article, we will explore the methods and tested - and trusted - techniques to getting it done. 

Doing it Better

Better means four important things:

  1. More sleep
  2. Save time
  3. Parenting help without stress

Welltot Fever Temperature Thermometer Patch

Sleep more

Imagine being able to monitor your baby's temperature from the comfort of your phone and in your bed. Anytime you feel worried about your baby's temperature, you just check your phone, know its temperature and go back to sleep. How comfortable! Guess what? The Welltot Continuous Temperature Monitor allows you to do just that. With all that stress you face during the day, you could really use longer hours in bed. Once worn by your baby, you won't really have any reason to rise from bed unless their temperature rises above the normal range.

Save Time

The Welltot patch is very easy to use and lasts for 6 months. But that's not the best part. Once you get this thermometer, it never needs to be charged, so you won't be stuck with an uncharged thermometer when you are concerned about your child.

More Trusted Eyes on your baby

You can monitor your baby's temperature on the Welltot patch through your phone. Good, yes?  But not yours alone. Multiple phones can be logged onto the same account so, your sister can help you monitor your baby's temperature whenever she comes around. In case you miss out on something regarding your child's temperature, she, or whoever is around can quickly call your attention to it.



Get your Welltot monitor

  • 50+ temperature readings per hour
  • Disposable patch
  • No maintenance & no re-charging
  • Easy to use - mobile phone connected

The Best Baby Thermometer to Buy in 2022

Fever without Fear: Information for Mothers

Choosing a Thermometer